Smart interior for your home

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Smart interior for your home

Smart interior for your home

Boris Tarasiuk |


When the apartment needs to be renovated, many different ideas come up. At such a time, you think about thousands of details: about beautiful design solutions; about how to save money; about the choice of colors; about the functionality of furniture, etc. These are all fun tasks we put our heads into. However, there is one detail to consider: ease of cleaning. This is important because cleanliness is the key to home comfort.Here are some tips that will help you save time in future cleaning:

1) Material. Prefer matte surfaces, because on them you will not see fingerprints. For walls, it is worth choosing washable wallpaper or paint that is not afraid of water. For soft clothing, use fabrics with moisture-resistant impregnation or removable covers that can be washed. Tables, cabinets and other furniture are best chosen from wood (oiled or not) because the color of the wood and the texture itself hide dust. And wooden furniture can also be restored over time: professionally or independently with a film.

2) Availability. When developing planning solutions and choosing furniture, it is worthwhile to make sure that there are as few hard-to-reach areas as possible in your facility, especially if you plan to use a robotic vacuum cleaner. In this case, you should think about a bed with high legs. Such a model is offered by the eco-friendly furniture brand Hansales. It is also worth refraining from large fluffy carpets, which are difficult to vacuum and on which a lot of dirt accumulates.

3) Light shades. It is no secret that the smallest dust and stains are always visible on dark surfaces. Light shades, on the other hand, hide the shortcomings of quick wet cleaning. In addition, bright fixtures visually enlarge the space, which is also important when developing a design solution.

4) Hidden storage systems. A chest of drawers, a bed with drawers, a closed cabinet - it's practical! After all, if you are suddenly completely too lazy to go out the door and guests suddenly show up, you can still store things in hidden storage systems. Of course to carefully put them in place afterwards. And it also conforms to all the rules of now-popular minimalism - a minimum of stuff in plain sight.

We hope these small, simple tips will help you plan your home so that "Cinderella" remains just a children's fairy tale and not the sad reality of the weekend.